Start up
01 Jul 2024 -
Start 1st Call for proposals
21 Nov 2024 -
Deadline Call 1
31 Mar 2025 -
31 Dec 2029
STIPP stands for SME Transition Innovation Partners Projects
For all current information, including opening of the subsidy scheme and instructions for applications, please scroll down. |
STIPP is an instrument designed to cater to the needs of small and medium enterprises in the Meuse-Rhine region and to enhance their competitiveness and innovative strength.
Six development agencies (LIOF, AGIT, NMWP, POM Limburg, VLAIO Team Bedrijfstrajecten, Wallonie Entreprendre) will join forces to raise awareness among SMEs, scout potential innovators and facilitate matchmaking for cross-border consortia. The goal is to support high-quality innovation projects that could be funded. The projects need to tackle one of the three grand societal challenges: Industrial Transition, Green Transformation and Healthier Citizens.

The team accompanying SMEs on this journey is known as the Business & Innovation Development Support team (BIDS-team). The BIDS team is backed up by the STIPP SME Grants team of the Province of Limburg in its capacity of Managing Authority for the Interreg Meuse-Rhine Programme. The Grants team will act as the fund management for the STIPP instrument and will be in charge of the formal launch of calls and the eligibility check of the applications received.
For questions, feel free to contact your local partners:
The Netherlands
- Martine Rousseau, Business Developer, Martine.rousseau@liof.nl
- Leandra Schmitz, Business Developer, Leandra.Schmitz@liof.nl
North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate
- Ralf P. Meyer, Business Developer, r.meyer@agit.de
- Oliver Salden, Project management, O.salden@agit.de
- Katrin Schleicher, Project Manager, katrin.schleicher@nmwp.de
Belgium (Flanders)
- Karmien Nackaerts, Projectmanager, karmien.nackaerts@pomlimburg.be
- Jean-Pierre Boons, Projectmanager, jean-pierre.boons@pomlimburg.be
- Luc Debougnoux, luc.debougnoux@vlaio.be
Belgium (Wallonie)
- Francois Coibion, francois.coibion@wallonie-entreprendre.be
- Olivier Heynen, olivier.heynen@wallonie-entreprendre.be
While the BIDS team will be accompanying cross-border SME consortia during project initiation, planning, implementation and closure, the Grants team will be responsible for checking on the reports submitted and the payment of the funding awarded in line with the relevant EU legislation in force.
The entire STIPP team is dedicated to facilitate the generation of cross-border projects and provide the means and framework allowing the SMEs in the programme area to unlock their full innovative potential.
Target audience
Programme documents
STIPP Template Application Form
JEMS-STIPP Application manual
STIPP Template Self Declaration On Qualifications
STIPP Template Partnership Agreement
STIPP SME Grant Scheme Manual
Subsidy Regulation STIPP SME Call 1
EC User guide to the SME definition
Nadere Subsidieregels STIPP MKB KMO Projectoproep 1
Our partners
N.V. Limburgs Instituut voor Ontwikkeling en Financiering
Aachener Gesellschaft für Innovation und Technologietransfer mbH
NMWP Management GmbH
Provinciale Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij Limburg
VLAIO Team Bedrijfstrajecten
Wallonie Entreprendre
Province of Dutch Limburg in capacity of Managing Authority Interreg Meuse-Rhine
Co-financers STIPP-BIDS partners
Provincie Limburg (NL)
Ministerie van Economische Zaken
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Provincie Limburg (B)
Meet our STIPP-team
We are happy to assist you with various aspects of your STIPP-project - from application to implementation.
In our team, we distinguish between the Fund Management (STIPP SME Grants team) and the Regional Development Agencies (STIPP-BIDS team):
- The Fund Management is responsible for the eligibility check of the project proposals in the application stage and for the checking of reports during the implementation stage.
- Contact the Regional Development Agencies for assistance with SME-project applications, all things concerning STIPP-project implementation, and advise the STIPP-consortia on content-related matters. The Regional Development Agencies will advise on communication, from the correct promotion of the STIPP-project, to advising on partner communication.